Monday, November 20, 2006


On Friday I resigned my position with Progress Energy. I am sad and excited and happy and nervous all at the same time. It's very confusing. I'll start with R.H. Donneley in December. I'll be doing senior architecture work with Active Directory and Exchange plus other messaging systems. Pretty much the same thing I've been doing, but this is a more senior position in a more complex environment and should prove challenging and rewarding. My goal is to fully apply all the Rob 2.0 skills I've been learning and put them to good use at RHD. I will start by listening. A lot.

I'm definitely going to miss many of the good folks at Progress. I'll have to make an effort to stay in touch. I learned more about soft skills here than anyplace before. However, my technical skills were probably atrophying from disuse. My new job will force me to crack open some tech books I'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say for the record that I appreciated everything you brought to the table, even if I sometimes felt challenged. You made me think. I'll miss the conversations, especially learning from you about space exploration, armchair physics, politics, tech trash, etc. Good luck on your new position and stay linked in.

(I've resuscitated my own blog at